If you’ve watched any television this holiday season, you’ve been subjected to this commercial, or some version of it. And odds are, you’ve cringed. Social media is atwitter (get it?) with “I’ll never buy a Honda” and “Honda, these are the most annoying commercials ever” and “I was thinking about buying a Honda but that...
I just got back from the Chicago Southland Regional Consensus Luncheon where candidates for a state-wide seat debated their positions and experience. This is not about those candidates. At my table sat two college students, fresh and eager and engaged. They are involved in another candidate’s campaign, someone running for an entirely different seat. They...
Many people think that logos are created in one fell swoop, probably sketched on a cocktail napkin over martinis in a dark lounge. They believe that in the heady mixture of alcohol and dim lighting, inspiration hits and designs are born whole, perfect, and completely satisfying, ready to brand a company tomorrow. This type of...
I keep receiving emails from a man running for State Senator about “name recognition” and how that will help him win this election. It is accompanied by a link to his website where “eliminating wasteful spending” is one of his very few action points. Really? You think this is marketing? This gentleman is missing every point...
Here you are, setting up a brand new business with your Great Idea. You’ve got your business plan, your banker, your accountant and your lawyer all in place. You’ve got the Great Idea in motion, in production, moving and shaking. Now, you need a logo. So you ask around, look at some websites and talk...
My sister-in-law is a perfect target for many companies. She’s educated, in an executive position and loves to engage in commerce (um, buy things). She is mother to a 6-year-old and is a responsible parent, making good choices for and teaching good choices to Daniel. Julie is not on Facebook, she does not read the...
Have you heard the new radio spot for a telecommunications company? It’s a man, describing how he had lunch with a TV star and was taking a hot blonde from an action show to his afternoon meeting. At first, you are intrigued (good) so you listen carefully (very good). And then you understand (excellent!). And...
I want to make it perfectly clear that this is not about blame. The tragedy of the Arizona shooting was immediately used as a political platform, fistfuls of fingers pointing at extreme conservatives and the imagery used in their language as the cause of the attack. Then just as suddenly, the politically correct crowd went the...
In your home, there sits a television that can receive literally thousands of channels. It was designed to get those channels. You purchased it at a store, be it big box or small electronics boutique. You brought it home, unpacked it and plugged it in. Then you made a choice. You chose to use an...
Earlier this week, I met with one of my long-time clients. We designed their website, oh, probably a decade ago, and it needs now to be updated, made more contemporary – freshened up. “Dave” mentioned his concern about their Google results. “When you search a partner’s name,” he said, “we come right up, there on...
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