TRU Rehabilitation and Wellness is located in Glenview, Bloomingdale and Arlington Heights. The family-owned healthcare organization is very committed to improving the health of those they treat and TRUly (get it?) hope that their patients are short-term – because they get better.
Because of this, they need to always cultivate new patients. But they were initially hesitant to our idea of public seminars. We presented several ideas that tied TRU healthcare professionals with other experts, including an ergonomic gardening seminar. By explaining that there are a great deal of people just NUTS about gardening (their agency’s creative director among them), we were able to convince him to give it a try.
We named the seminar, created the artwork for advertising and posters, wrote a press release and did initial groundwork for location and relevant speakers. (Yes! We can plan an event from initial idea all the way through to location arrangements, catering, entertainment, favors, registration help and day-of assistance) The advertising ran twice in the Northbrook Tower and the Glenview Lantern, both 22nd Century Media publications.
Partnering with Five Seasons, a large local sports club and the Chicago Botanic Garden who provided their Horticultural Therapist as a speaker, the event was a success. 70 people registered, 50 of those attended the seminar. After raffle prizes were awarded, participants lined up for goodie bags and ten people (that’s 20%!) made appointments with TRU facilities, with many more asking about their free exercise classes.