The other day, my husband, relaxing after a hard day’s work with his newspaper and pipe, pulled me out of the kitchen where I was preparing his meat and potatoes while wearing a dress, high heels and a string of pearls and asked me to watch a commercial. (Can you find all that’s...
Waaaayyy back in 2009, we designed a (beautiful and effective) logo, business card, brochure and bio card for Dr. Gregory Primus, who was founding Chicago Center for Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery in Tinley Park. Logo design is always an interesting journey and Dr. Primus was so smart about it, we actually wrote an article...
Neel Patel knows first-hand the problems small physical therapy practices are encountering. With reimbursements cut, visits denied and paperwork increased, it’s almost impossible to keep ahead of fixed costs. Add to that aggressive, non-stop marketing from bigger chains, and the family-owned practices could be looking at the beginning of the end. Neel came up with...
The Tinley Park Convention Center recently completed a MASSIVE expansion, giving them the opportunity to attract larger, more populated shows. The expansion nearly doubled their floor space and the Center was fortunate to see positive, glowing press and wanted to continue that buzz. Over the course of three months, we wrote a series of six press...
Orland Hills has been using our design services for several years, both for their annual summer fest and their recreation catalogs. This year, Orland Hills named the fest “Party in the Park” and asked for a more mature design, something to attract adults to the bands, the food and the fireworks, while retaining a sense...
TRU Rehabilitation and Wellness is located in Glenview, Bloomingdale and Arlington Heights. The family-owned healthcare organization is very committed to improving the health of those they treat and TRUly (get it?) hope that their patients are short-term – because they get better. Because of this, they need to always cultivate new patients. But they were...
Great Lakes Mechanical Services, Inc. was founded by Gary Lombardi, a man who “can look at a machine, figure out how it works, fix it, and get it work even better.” Gary is devoted to doing the job right the first time and to helping America retain and bring back quality blue collar jobs. Great...
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